
When it comes to choosing FX risk management solutions, companies often face the “build versus buy” dilemma. For companies who have complex FX exposures across many legal entities, currency pairs and hedging programs, the wrong decision can come with many downstream impacts. A robust, flexible, reliable solution that can handle the complexity of FX exposure […]

When tackling FX risk management, every organization desires a swift, implement-and-forget solution. However, the reality of FX management is far from simple. Navigating the complexities requires flexible, customizable solutions, which are often challenging to find. In this Fintech Corner episode, Scott Bilter joined Joseph “JD” Drambarean Trovata’s Chief Product Officer, to delve into the partnership […]

Given how complex FX risk management can be, getting it right is no small feat. According to a recent Global Treasury Survey conducted by Deloitte, FX volatility is among the top challenges facing treasurers today. FX hedging strategies help companies mitigate the risk of exposure to foreign currencies. Two of the most common hedging options […]

Expanded Platform Enables Greater Visibility, Eliminates Erroneous FX Data Risk, and Automates Exception Identification  SAN FRANCISCO, May 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Atlas Risk Advisory, the provider of AtlasFX, today announced the expansion of its cloud-based FX risk and analytics data platform. With this enhanced capability, AtlasFX clients can automatically review high volumes of transaction-level data […]